ISA catering equipment

ISA was established in 1963 in Bastia Umbra (Italy) and has become a global leader in some of the best quality commercial refrigeration available in the marketplace today. They are best known for their stunning ice cream displays.

ISA nowadays is one of the most important players of the world in the field of interior design for public places, showcases and refrigerated cabinets for ice cream and pastry and professional furniture. Beyond numerous and prestigious clients, who make a daily use of ISA’s equipment, the company has been collaborating for years with important international brands, which they are: Ahold, Auchan, Autogrill, Billa, Bindi, Coldstone Creamery, Coca Cola, Conad, Coop, Cremonini, Brioche Doree, Haagen Dazs, Nestlé, Sammontana, Sturbucks and Unilever.

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