Lincat EN10 Energy Regulator for Lincat Units

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Lincat EN10
RRP: £46.95 exc. vat 56.34 inc. vat
SAVE: £9.96 exc. vat 11.95 inc. vat
WAS: £43.99 exc. vat 52.79 inc. vat
£44.39 inc. vat
£36.99 exc. vat
inc. vatexc. vat
Total Price:

Manufacturers 90 Days Warranty

 In Stock

Product Specifications
Dimensions50.2(H) x 45(W) x 54.5(D)mm
WarrantyManufacturers 90 Day Warranty
Product Weight50g

EN10 Energy Regulator for Lincat Units fits:

  • CS4, CS6, CS4/G, ECG6, BS3, BS4, BS4W, BS7, BM3, BM4, BM6, BM7, LCS, LGT, LPC, LSC, LPB, LBM, LBM2, LBM3, LRB, LRB2, LRB3, PO49X, PO89X, CT1, PO425, PO430, PO630, PO425-2, PO430-2, PO630-2, GR3, LBMW, LBM2W, LBM3W, LRBW, LRB2W, LRB3W, BM3A, BM4A, BM4B, BM4C, BM6A, BM6B, BM6C, BM7A, BM7B, BM7C, BM7X, BM7XA, BM7XB, BM7XC, ECG9, ECG9/WT, PO69X, OE8015, OE8304, OE8303, OE8405, OE8406, OE8701, OE8109


Lincat EN10 Features
  • Dimensions: 50.2(H) x 45(W) x 54.5(D)mm
  • Weight: 50g
Compatible Units
Delivery Options (Select during Checkout)
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£14.95 +VAT
Order by 3pm for
1-3 Working Days Delivery
Estimated Delivery Date:
Wed 4th December to Fri 6th December
Service Expires:
Tomorrow at 3:00pm
Please note the following:
  • All items over 30kg are kerbside delivery only,
  • Deliveries take place between the hours of 8am and 6pm
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